Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We’re Back!!!

If you have been following our blog, you know we took a week for a  side trip to Nashville.  We didn’t have the luxury of taking a new highway home (aka a river) so many of the sights on our way back looked very familiar.  With that in mind, I have a few things to share from the past days on the Cumberland.

Fort Donelson is located on the Cumberland River in Tennessee. Here you see where the Confederate soldiers leveled their cannons and fire on the Union fleet as it rounded the curve in the river.  It is now a state park.  You may have to look REALLY closely to see the cannons, but they are there!

Kentucky State Prison was nicknamed The Castle on the Cumberland.  It really does look like a beautiful castle that actually executed 161 people.  Stone masons came all the way from Italy to work on the project.

Green Turtles

I am not a turtle expert, but most of the turtles I have seen in Indiana or Iowa were brown in color.  The turtles here have a green cast.  All day Monday, Steve kept busy with the binoculars watching all of the turtles sunning themselves on logs on the riverbank! (We are talking LOTS of turtles)
Mario -  This may be Crush's Kentucky cousin
Prizer Point KOA campground and Marina

Our last night on the river was spent at Prizer Point Marina.  We were quite the “odd duck” since they had never had a sailboat in their marina.  It is starting to become the end of the season for boating facilities, so the offices are closing earlier and earlier and not offering as many amenities.  They did have a restaurant, but had sent the cook home early due to lack of customers (also known as no customers).  The lady in the office thought she could make us a pizza…that ended up being two pizzas and we were so thankful!  No doggie bags needed.

We are now busy cleaning and servicing the boat, and shopping for our next segment of the trip South through Kentucky Lake on the Tennessee River.  Steve had to order a part for the boat, which won’t arrive until Thursday P.M., so our estimated time of departure will be Friday.  So until next time, good-bye from Green Turtle Bay.

Steve coping with retirement - I think he will make it...