Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tennessee Tales

September 30th marks one month since we left Lake Michigan….and we do have many “tales” to tell.  As I write this morning, we are sailing down the Tennessee River on a cool fall morning.  We’re about half way through the state of Tennessee headed for a bit of Mississippi and then into Alabama!  So, here’s what’s happening in our little corner of the world.

Paris Landing State Park

A bard owl at the lodge.  It had a crushed wing and this group found them and they keep them since they cannot go back into the wild.


When I last wrote, we were just getting started on Kentucky Lake and it was raining.  The day continued to be a bit soggy until we tied up in Paris Landing.  If Paris Landing is any indication of the State Parks in Tennessee, they do a FINE job!  The marina itself was lovely, as well as the beautiful surroundings, campgrounds, walking trails and the lodge/hotel on site.  As soon as we started to tie up, we heard a familiar voice…a gentleman named Tom from the boat Q’s End came right over to help us.  He and his wife were the people from our 1st Wal Mart shopping trip in Illinois.  They had been in this marina for several days playing a few rounds of golf.  It’s always good to catch up with where everyone has been.  For dinner, we walked to the gorgeous lodge for an “all you can eat” seafood buffet.  I won’t even mention how many times the three of us headed back to the dessert bar J.   

Fishing Boats

I think you must have to own a fishing boat in the state of Tennessee to be an official citizen.  They’re everywhere and going fast in their “state of the art” boats with all of the electronics on board!  At both marinas we have visited, each day there was a fishing contest going on.  I believe they were catching small mouth bass and catfish. 

Pebble Isle Marina

Last night, we stayed at the Pebble Isle Marina, which was a great place, too!  Of course, as we pulled up to the dock, there were some more friends we had met farther up the rivers.  So, as all good loopers do, we had to have a little get together.  Steve had promised to make margaritas for our sailing buddies on Time and Tide…and he produced!  The first part of the party was on board Kathryn, but as more boats arrived, we spread on out to the dock! There were lots of good “tales” of the river from each boat as we exchanged experiences.  The restaurant at this marina is called The Gray Heron and they had some tasty delights! (one being a HUGE hot brownie, covered in ice cream and whipped cream…delicious!) Our waitress told us about the gray heron who resides in the marina.  We had seen it flying here and there all afternoon.  All the way down the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, we had seen blue herons, but here their cousins, the gray herons, are prominent.  They are very large birds, especially when they take flight!

Our gray you see him?


So, our destination for today is to Clifton, Tennessee where there promises to be another great marina.  We have a sailing book called Skipper Bob’s Cruising from Chicago to Mobile to help us plan our trip and places to stay.  There is, also, a website called Active Captain that people write reviews of places they have been and have stayed along the river.  So, this helps us each day to make our plans.  So long, dear friends!
Scenes From the River:

Louisville and Nashville RR Bridge with span removed


An abandoned dock that stood here before they flooded the river to make Kentucky Lake in the 1940's


More barges

Can you see the lighthouse home in the trees?


A wise man builds his house on a rock!