Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Good Bye, Dear Friend

It has taken me two weeks to write this blog....almost too painful to write the words but it is part of our three month journey.  We received word from Corpus Christi that my dear friend, Jackie, had passed away very suddenly.  Steve and I both felt we needed to fly home to say good bye and be there to support her husband, Rick, her children and grandchildren.  In less than three years, Jackie and her family had become our dear friend.

Jackie was my 1st friend when I moved to the Island!  She was in charge of membership at our Yacht Club, and our "Iowa bond" soon was the beginning of a friendship.  The day she called me and asked me to go to lunch in Port A, I knew I had arrived and had that "girl friend" I knew I would need in Texas.  There were many wonderful tributes to Jackie at her wake and funeral, but that didn't even say it all.  Jackie was a wonderful wife, mother, nurse, and friend to all.  If there was anyone in need, Jackie was there with a visit, food or just a call.  She loved the beach and her "turtles" that called Padre Island home.  We walked for an hour almost everyday of the week on the beach.  If it was rainy or just too cold, we headed for the German Bakery on the Island for coffee and a "goodie"!  Even though our friendship was cut way too short, we bonded on our walks.  Our joke was that we solved many a problem in those hours....if anyone had a problem, give it to us and by the end of the walk we would have a solution for them!

Jackie loved to party.  No one's birthday passed without a lunch at a restaurant or at her home with her "secret" chicken pecan quiche!  There were always sparkler candles or a birthday beanie...that was Jackie!  She loved to send postcards (not many folks do that now of days, but Jackie did), buy cute little gifts that were just right for you and just invite you over for some iced tea!  That was Jackie....she loved life, her family, angels and her beach.  My heart is sad, but what a blessing to have had this wonderful lady to call friend (even if that was a short three years)!  RIP dear, dear friend!