Thursday, June 11, 2015


When you are traveling on a boat, you are usually the "company" of someone in port or at the marina.  We were lucky enough to have company on Kathryn and entertain here at the marina a few weeks ago.  Perhaps not everyone knows that I attended college at Midland University (back in the day it was Midland Lutheran College) in Fremont, NE.  Small but mighty is the way I remember Midland and it offered an excellent education to many young adults from the mid-west states and a few other locations. It is there that I met many wonderful life long friends.
With that explanation, three friends from my era, now live in Florida.  Pat, my college roommate, lives in Palm Court and Sharon and Ron Larsen were here from West Palm Beach.  The Larsens were in Ft. Meyers for a family reunion, so this little get together worked perfectly for them.  Pat drove down and stayed on the boat with us for a few days.  Pat and her husband Bill were the couple that allowed us to visit them on their sailboat in Belize and Roatan a number of years ago.  So, she is not a stranger to living on a sailboat.

To sum up the time we spent together, two words come to mind....talking and laughing!  Pat, Sharon and I were all members of the same sorority, so we had to catch up on the friends we have kept in touch with over the years.  We decided Face Book has been such a blessing for keeping those friendships up to date.   Ron and Steve managed to tolerate our "girl talk" and found many things to discuss themselves.  Now Pat and Sharon are in the process of trying to plan a "reunion" for our sorority sisters from our era to take place possibly in Florida within the next years.  We all have our fingers crossed.

So, here's to old friendships and good friends....45 years later!!!!

Sharon, Nancy, and Pat