a BEAUTIFUL day in Paradise as I begin my blogging this AM. As they say, “What’s not to like?” Blue skies up above, warm temperatures and
MANY interesting people to meet and enjoy!
I had mentioned in my last blog, we had just arrived in Marathon. Marathon happens to be a very likeable place
for boaters to spend the winter, leave for the Bahamas from and a fun place to
party, so…..we found “no place in the inn”.
We did find safe harbor in the city marina, but were given #13 just to
be in line for a mooring ball. This
place almost looked like a city in its self…..hundreds of boats for as far as
you could see. SO, we spent two days
there anchored and then decided Key West was in our best interest. In the meantime, we had fun riding around in
the dingy and finding fun little places and a restaurant with a pull up dingy
dock. A local (or probably I should say
Gulf Coast) singer/band leader, Eric Stone owned the Dockside Bar and
Grill. He’s the chef as well as the entertainment
in the evening. As we sat at our table
we were entertained by a manatee swimming up to the dock. They are such graceful creatures and seem to
be everywhere down here.
Kathryn at Anchor in Marathon
Dingy Dock in Marathon
Lunch at Dockside
Manatee Stopped by for Lunch Too
we headed out into the Atlantic for our sail to Key West and Stock Island
Marina. I couldn’t wipe the smile off of
Steve’s face, as this was our all time best sail EVER! No motor, just sailing along at around 6.8 to
7.4 knots (for you sailors out there) surrounded by aqua colored water and the
Keys to our right! It is about 40 miles
to Key West from Marathon and we made it in record time, also!
If You Look Real Close You Can See She is About Ready to Feed the Fish, But She Didn't
Island Marina is very new and we are loving the facilities! We are a ways from downtown Key West, so we’re
using the local bus system. That, in its
self, is an adventure! One quickly
learns to appreciate the little things in life, like a car in the garage that
you just hop into and go! BUT the
interesting people you meet on the bus is a “hoot”. Some locals, some boaters and tourist….one
never knows. In fact, one evening we met
a couple who had lived in Chesterton, IN and he had been a professor in
education at IUN until he took a position in Texas! Small world, heh?
West is known for its quirky side and you just never know what you’re going to
see or who you will meet. With that in
mind, I’m going to give you a few examples of some of our favorites!
“bus adventure”. We met an artistic
couple waiting for the bus. They had
just finished their “gig” on Mallory Square selling their wares. (You have to be asked to be there, and then
draw numbers for where you can set up.)
We talked to them the whole way to our “stop” at the marina, but saw
them on Mallory Square the next day. We
were like their long lost family and just had to have a picture taken with them!
Our New Artist Friend Lucinda
Square is known for all of its “acts” or “talents” to watch while people wait
for the sun to go down! It’s one busy
place. We stopped to watch a young
acrobatic juggler perform and Steve was picked to be in his act. They not only have to be quite talented to do
what they do, but they, also, have quite a comedy show to go along with their
act. Steve and two other fellows had to
hold his unicycle while he mounted it and juggled a sword, burning torches and
an ax!

Green Parrot Bar….As we walked into this infamous establishment, it was
PACKED! A very friendly gentleman told
us there were two bar stools next to him and we could have them! He was quite sure Steve was Kenny Rogers
(Gee, have we heard that before???)
Anyhow, he was VERY outgoing, or maybe had been at the Green Parrot a
little too long, but he had to tell us who he was! For you sports fans of the 70’s this might
jog your memories! Louie Griammona came
out of Utah State (now a Hall of Famer there) to play for the NY Jets and the
Philadelphia Eagles as a running back and has a Super Bowl ring to prove
it. Oh, the people you meet! Just to prove it, Steve had to buy a tee
shirt J
Nancy and Her New Friend, Louie... |
could probably go on and on, but won’t bore you with any other quirky things we
have had the pleasure to do or see. It’s
a great life in Key West and the weather is wonderful.
Dinner at Antonio's |
Drinks at Mallory Square
A Ford Model TT, Converted to a Bar
Cruise Ship Ready to Leave Key West