Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sailing The ICW….Slow But Sure Wins The Race!!!!

We're Here... Bradenton, FL

Winds moved into south west Florida, so we decided to take the Inter Coastal Waterway from Ft. Meyers Beach up to Bradenton.  The Gulf would have had some BIG waves and this 1st mate didn’t want to give that a try!  Our first jaunt was from Ft. Meyers to Gasparilla Marina near Englewood, FL.  This was one of many lovely marinas we enjoyed on our three month adventure. Steve always uses a service called Active Captain and they always have info and ratings about places to stay.  Gasparilla was to have the cleanest showers and restrooms anywhere on the Gulf….so what’s not to like, right?  They lived up to their write up and even had a busy little bar and grill that was just the ticket for dinner that evening.

Saturday we sailed from Gasparilla to Sarasota.  A front went through by mid-morning and it turned cool and windy!  We had eight bridges to pass through on the trip.  Our mast has a height of 51 ft. so we usually have to ask for a “lift” from the bridge keepers along the way.  A big “shout out” to the bridge keepers in Florida for being the friendliest and nicest we have experienced on our whole trip!  Most of these bridges were “on demand” (we radio them and they lift the bridge) but two only opened on the hour and half hour.  If you get there at the “wrong” time you get to wait!!!!  I must say we made it through in record time, so that was a plus!  Due to the cold temps, we decided on Marina Jack’s Marina in downtown Sarasota for Saturday.  Our heating system was very welcome that night!  In fact, I think on the whole trip, we’ve used the heat more than the air conditioning….figure!

Marina Jack in Sarasota

The last section of the trip was to Bradenton and was only a four hour sail.  I think I have failed to mention that all the way along the ICW you see all sorts of beautiful homes and boats.  Just when you think you have seen the biggest one, there’s another one around the bend.  Also, there are many dolphins, birds and fishermen.  The ICW is narrow in many areas and the water is shallow and so clear that you can see the fish and dolphins swimming by the boat.

We are now in port at the Twin Dolphin Marina!  We’re doing some necessary cleaning, washing and relaxing.  I have my ticket on South West Airlines for Friday to fly to Texas.  Steve has two buddies who are coming in to help him crew and sail Kathryn home to Padre Island.  The weather conditions on the Gulf are forecast to be MUCH calmer than his trip in November.  As I look at the map of the Gulf, I am amazed at the distance we have travelled in the course of four months.  The places we’ve gone and the people we’ve met have been amazing!  Thank you for joining us along the way.  I told Steve he is going to have to continue the blog to document his Gulf journey!  SO, stayed tuned, he may just do that for all of you readers!

Buford, Our First Crew Member Has Arrived


Lots of Houses


The Last Bridge




Downtown Sarasota