Tuesday, December 3, 2013

First Overnight….Pensacola to Panama City, FL

Yahoooooo!  We are in Florida!  There were a few days when we were doubting if and when that was going to happen.  Sunday we enjoyed a nice sail down the ICW from Lulu’s Marina to Pensacola.  Along the way, are many beautiful white sand beaches (for which this area is famous), LOVELY homes/condos and our little dolphins playing in the water.  AND the best part of all, was that Florida welcomed us with 70 degree weather….what’s not to like?

The marina we stayed at was right in the midst of the historic downtown area of Pensacola.  We walked downtown for dinner that evening, and the restored buildings were amazing.  The next morning I checked out the waterfront where I read many facts concerning the city of Pensacola.  It is known as “The City of Five Flags”.  The flags of Spain, France, England, the Confederacy and the US have flown over the city.  Heading out of the city, on Santa Rosa Island, is Fort Pickens built in 1834.  This fort has been used by the military through WW II.  One of the former officer’s quarters was used to hold Apache prisoners, including Geronimo.  My picture (included below) isn’t too good, but I found these little known facts very interesting.
Pensacola Marina - Very Nice Place

Fort Pickens

Statue at Pensacola Marina
Monday morning, we decided the weather was excellent for an overnight sail to Panama City. (We did consult with “the weatherman” and he said “GO”)  Before we shoved off, we had company!  When Steve grew up in Vinton, IA, his favorite playmate was Lloyd Patterson who now lives in Pensacola.  Steve and Lloyd’s fathers were both Iowa Highway Patrolmen, so they have a long background together.  Lloyd stopped by the marina and we had a great time “catching up”!
Steve and Lloyd
Around 12:30 PM on Monday, we left the marina headed for Panama City.  I might add, this was going to be MY first overnight sail without other sailors aboard.  I am good at cooking, cleaning, and chatting J, but standing “watch” is a whole level above those tasks.  Steve assured me that it was going to be easy since there just aren’t too many other ships, boats, vessels or whatever out in this part of the Gulf and I guess I believed him!  We have all the latest and greatest gadgets that can tell you what is going on in the water for miles around the boat.  Good news is we made it around 7:00 AM.  Poor Steve did not get a lot of sleep, but we were happy to be here.  We got to see the sun go down and a beautiful sunrise through our tired little eyes. 
Sunset Over the Gulf

Sunrise the Next Morning

When Steve called for reservations at the marina, the dock master told us to pull up next to the pirate ship…okay???  This marina specializes in all sorts of boat tours from seeing the dolphins, snorkeling to a sail on a LARGE pirate ship. So we are presently in the shadow of this large vessel.  Today was spent resting, cleaning, laundry and walking to the closest grocery store.  We need provisions since tomorrow we are leaving on a two day and two night trip to the Tampa Bay area.  This is where we want to leave Kathryn while we head north for Christmas.  So, another “cruise” awaits us.  You probably won’t hear from us until we arrive in Tampa, because out at sea is often too rough for computer writing.  Until then, enjoy all of the December activities of the season.    

Kathryn and the Pirate Ship