Tuesday, December 10, 2013

End of Chapter 1…Twin Dolphins Marina!!!!

Saturday morning was a balmy, warm day in Clearwater….an absolutely perfect day for one last sail down to the Tampa Bay area and Bradenton, FL.  The Gulf was like “glass”, which really doesn’t happen too often!  I felt it was the water gods taking good care of us on our last section of our journey.

The trip was just perfect but nothing noteworthy to mention!  Lots of boats were out, lots of crab pots to watch out for and a number of ships heading into Tampa.  Our one “memory” was the boat that passed us fairly close!  As good boaters always do, we waved at one another!  That’s when I noticed the “captain” of that boat!!!  I said, “Steve, that guy isn’t wearing any clothes, right?”  Yepper, he was REALLY enjoying the warm, sunny weather.  What you don’t see on the Gulf!
Tampa Bay Sunshine Skyway Bridge
We got into Twin Dolphins Marina about 3:30 with a big smile on our faces.  We had made it!  After the usual tying up, etc. we just started relaxing.  There is a lovely restaurant, Pier 22, in the marina, so that was our dinner plan.  As we walked to dinner, all the Christmas lights were shining and everything was so festive and we had no coat or jacket on!  Almost seemed like on Dec. 7th this was wrong!!!  But they had great entertainment and we just ate and listened to the music. 
Twin Dolphin Marina

Pier 22 Great Place for Happy Hour and Dinner

My college roommate, Pat, and her husband had driven over from Palm Coast, FL and were staying with former Padre Island friends here in Sarasota.  They came to our rescue yesterday morning (since we were car-less!).  After a bit of conversation, we continued the day on to lunch on the water, and then to Katrina and Rodney’s home for delicious food and more talk!  After being on a boat and the water for so long, it’s just wonderful to be in a home!
Anna Maria Oyster Bar

Dinner With Pat, Bill, Rodney, and Katrina
 Today we are getting our rental car, so we’ll have wheels!  We are going to be running some errands, etc. before meeting the above mentioned friends for gumbo dinner!  I told you we are BIG fans of gumbo, so this will be GREAT!  Tomorrow we will finish up last minute things on the boat and then we are off for Indiana!  I know, it’s going to be cold and snowy, but we’re ready to see the kids and grandkids.  Also, this Grandma has some shopping to do J


Friday, December 6, 2013

It’s A Pirate’s Life For Me….(Kidding!!!!)

As we pulled away from the gas dock in Panama City, I saw the big pirate boat sitting in the dock.  It made me think of men who boarded those boats years ago, and spent many years on the sea.  A week ago, just before Thanksgiving, I heard a commentary on life on the Mayflower. Those folks suffered from cramped quarters, stale or rotten food, no beds and poor “facilities”.   Well, I think Nancy and Steve Janett were living in “luxury” in comparison on our boat Kathryn. BUT….one two day/two night cruise on the Gulf, might be MY first and last!

We left Wednesday at noon from Panama City headed for Clearwater Beach, FL.  Our weatherman, Bob, recommended this route, in case we needed to get off the Gulf and into a safe harbor on the west coast of Florida.  Basically, you sail and sail and sail and finally get to your destination.  We had great weather (it was really quite warm), no mechanical problems, and the seas were not too rough!  Why then did I say that once was enough for me?  Well, on the Gulf, the boat is ALWAYS in motion.  I am fine in the cockpit up above, but get me down below and I don’t feel so good.  Good, ole fashion, seasickness!  Basically, I made it down below to “use the facilities”, change into warmer clothes or vice versa and sleep for a few hours when I wasn’t on “watch”.  That’s just a LONG time up top in the cockpit!  Steve and I always manage to have a great time…..but he got to be the captain, the crew, the cook and anything else I needed!  I was living the pampered life….he,he,he!

It's Not Always Sunny and Warm on the Gulf

But the Captain is Always Happy

And a Good Cigar Makes the Captain Even Happier

Don't Spill Diesel on Your Clothes if You are Going to Have a Cigar
We were actually ahead of schedule, and pulled off the Gulf about two o’clock in the morning (Friday).  We anchored, since it is too hard to go into a new marina in the middle of the night.  So, this AM, we made it into Clearwater Harbor Marina.  It’s a beautiful facility and right next to the downtown area. The best news was the temperature….83 degrees! This evening they were having the “kick off” to the Christmas season, and we just happened to be there at the right time.  Our favorite activity, was the crushed ice that covered part of a hill that turned into a bob sled run for the children!  Hey, these kids could move up North…we hear from Texas to Minnesota, lots of people have plenty of snow and ice.  We ate our way through the downtown area.  My favorite booth was the “make your own s’mores”.  Steve toasted the marshmallows on the little candles and then they helped us put them between the graham crackers and chocolate.  Yummy!
Making S'Mores

This is Snow, Florida Style!

Ready to Have Pizza Al Fresco
Tomorrow we will be up bright and early and have one last “ride” down to St. Pete, across Tampa Bay and into the marina at Bradenton.  This will be where we leave the boat while we come up North for Christmas.  This little Grandma and Papa are getting excited to see everyone!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

First Overnight….Pensacola to Panama City, FL

Yahoooooo!  We are in Florida!  There were a few days when we were doubting if and when that was going to happen.  Sunday we enjoyed a nice sail down the ICW from Lulu’s Marina to Pensacola.  Along the way, are many beautiful white sand beaches (for which this area is famous), LOVELY homes/condos and our little dolphins playing in the water.  AND the best part of all, was that Florida welcomed us with 70 degree weather….what’s not to like?

The marina we stayed at was right in the midst of the historic downtown area of Pensacola.  We walked downtown for dinner that evening, and the restored buildings were amazing.  The next morning I checked out the waterfront where I read many facts concerning the city of Pensacola.  It is known as “The City of Five Flags”.  The flags of Spain, France, England, the Confederacy and the US have flown over the city.  Heading out of the city, on Santa Rosa Island, is Fort Pickens built in 1834.  This fort has been used by the military through WW II.  One of the former officer’s quarters was used to hold Apache prisoners, including Geronimo.  My picture (included below) isn’t too good, but I found these little known facts very interesting.
Pensacola Marina - Very Nice Place

Fort Pickens

Statue at Pensacola Marina
Monday morning, we decided the weather was excellent for an overnight sail to Panama City. (We did consult with “the weatherman” and he said “GO”)  Before we shoved off, we had company!  When Steve grew up in Vinton, IA, his favorite playmate was Lloyd Patterson who now lives in Pensacola.  Steve and Lloyd’s fathers were both Iowa Highway Patrolmen, so they have a long background together.  Lloyd stopped by the marina and we had a great time “catching up”!
Steve and Lloyd
Around 12:30 PM on Monday, we left the marina headed for Panama City.  I might add, this was going to be MY first overnight sail without other sailors aboard.  I am good at cooking, cleaning, and chatting J, but standing “watch” is a whole level above those tasks.  Steve assured me that it was going to be easy since there just aren’t too many other ships, boats, vessels or whatever out in this part of the Gulf and I guess I believed him!  We have all the latest and greatest gadgets that can tell you what is going on in the water for miles around the boat.  Good news is we made it around 7:00 AM.  Poor Steve did not get a lot of sleep, but we were happy to be here.  We got to see the sun go down and a beautiful sunrise through our tired little eyes. 
Sunset Over the Gulf

Sunrise the Next Morning

When Steve called for reservations at the marina, the dock master told us to pull up next to the pirate ship…okay???  This marina specializes in all sorts of boat tours from seeing the dolphins, snorkeling to a sail on a LARGE pirate ship. So we are presently in the shadow of this large vessel.  Today was spent resting, cleaning, laundry and walking to the closest grocery store.  We need provisions since tomorrow we are leaving on a two day and two night trip to the Tampa Bay area.  This is where we want to leave Kathryn while we head north for Christmas.  So, another “cruise” awaits us.  You probably won’t hear from us until we arrive in Tampa, because out at sea is often too rough for computer writing.  Until then, enjoy all of the December activities of the season.    

Kathryn and the Pirate Ship

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Oh, Baby, It’s Cold Outside!!!

7:00 AM the day after Thanksgiving, we headed out of the marina in Biloxi!  The temperature was a balmy 36 degrees with a light wind!  To say it was COLD on the Gulf would be an understatement.  I may be wimpy, but I was wearing a turtle neck sweater, three jackets, two pairs of socks and my new gloves and headband.  Really didn’t make a “dent” in how cold I felt.  By mid afternoon, the sun was shining on us and it was somewhat bearable!  We were headed for our next marina, Bayou La Batre, AL.  The main reason we chose that location (which was up a long channel off of the Gulf), was it had electricity and that means HEAT on our boat. 
In my head, I kept thinking the name Bayou La Batre sounded familiar….hmmmm????  WELL, upon arrival, the owner of the marina was wearing his shirt that stated, “Bayou La Batre, home of Forrest Gump”!  Yes folks, this is where Forrest’s friend Bubba lived and Forrest returned to start his shrimping business after Bubba’s death.  Who knew???  AND shrimping is king in Bayou La Batre….shrimp boats lined every inch of the long channel leading to the marina.  The only other notable event for our evening was heat on the boat.  I can’t imagine how cold it would have been at an anchorage off of a little island on the Gulf….brrrrrr!
Electrical Cord Means HEAT!
Shrimp Boats.....

.....and More Shrimp Boats

This one is for our Andrew

And This for the Kimm Family
Yesterday morning, we were up bright and early to set sail again for a marina east of Mobile Bay, AL. (Believe it or not, but we really DID sail part of the trip.)  Now I may be stretching the truth a little bit, but it was actually sunny and a tad bit warmer….perhaps mid fifties and in the marina up to sixty two!  Woot, woot!  We were down to one coat or a sweatshirt!  Along the way, we were entertained by my favorite little friends, the dolphins!  They just make my day!
We Even Kinda Sailed

Our next marina/destination was Lulu's.  Unless you are from Alabama, you probably wouldn’t know that Lulu is Jimmy Buffet’s sister.  She has used his name to build a fun restaurant, kid’s playground, shops and marina on the Intra Costal Waterway.  After tying up and a nice hot shower, we were ready for dinner at Lulu’s.  Little did we know what a memorable evening it would be in Alabama!  Every television was tuned to the Alabama/Auburn football game and everyone was in high spirits.  To say there is a long lasting rivalry would be an understatement.  We experienced the last second of play, when Alabama kicked a field goal that would have won the game! The football was intercepted by Auburn and the player ran the whole distance of the field and scored, and of course, one the game.  The whole restaurant exploded….unbelievable.  Our waiter couldn’t even stay on the floor he was jumping so high!  This morning on all of the news/sports reports, claim this game supposedly will be one that goes down in history!  And folks, we were in Alabama to witness the “joy of victory and the agony of defeat”!

Playground at Lulu's


As I write this blog segment, Steve is up above taking us to Pensacola, FL.  Yepper, we will soon be in Florida!  We’re getting there, slowly but surely!  Steve has a call into the “weather man” to see about weather and Gulf conditions for the next week.  We REALLY want to be in Bradenton, FL. (a good marina where we can leave our boat for awhile) by Dec. 11th or 12th.  Then we will be able to plan our exodus up north for Christmas!  I’ll let you in on our next planned route when it is determined!  So long!