Galveston, Oh Galveston, I Can Hear Your Sea
Breeze Blowing!
Yes, indeed, we have made it to Galveston. Unfortunately, the sea breezes we hear
blowing are more of a roar of 30 knot winds.
So this Monday we are REALLY in Galveston and staying put. Instead of lemons we got lemonade. We got a
brunch and a guided tour of the city with friends of Bill and Jeanie’s, Brad
and Mary Robbins! And what tour guides
they were…a delightful breakfast restaurant, a riding tour, visits to a shop
called Nautical Antiques and the city museum and library. This, of course, was followed by a stop at
the grocery store and liquor/cigar store!
Life is good!
Breakfast in Galveston
Unhand me, you cad!
Brad & Mary's son's model of the forms used to build the Galveston sea wall
Which one is the dummy?
Nancy's fish that got away
Now I must go back and update you on our travels
to Galveston since the last blog.
Marinas and anchorages along the GIW are marginal, to say the
least. You get what you get, and don’t
throw a fit!!! Adam’s Bayou and Taylor’s
Bayou might be a good example of this!
Adam’s Bayou was close to Port Arthur, TX and was down a long channel
off the GWI. As we came close to the
little marina, we could hear a faint bleating sound….hmmm! As we rounded the bend, on a tiny island
across from the marina’s dock, were about ten goats and one horse. Don’t ask me why they were there, they just
belonged to the man who lived next door.
You could smell them, too. J When Steve had called, we were told there was
a restaurant on sight! This, of course,
brought a smile to Jeanie and Nancy’s faces….one less meal to prepare! Well, yes there was a restaurant and the
pictures I have provided, will give you the visual images. It wasn’t the best breakfast we have ever
had, but the owner, Lynn, was a most interesting lady to talk to over our
meal. She was from Ireland and served in
their Air Force. She moved to Canada and
then the USA and joined our Air Force.
She and husband Ike are now retired.
He loves to hunt and she loves to run the restaurant!
We must be in Texas
Reported as having the best breakfast in Texas... Not bad
The next anchorage was Taylor’s Bayou somewhere
next to a swamp and an oil refinery. You
can just picture it, can’t you? J The Active Captain site that Steve reads for
boating info mentioned a slight problem with mosquitoes! OH, MY!
That was an understatement! We
arrived, set the anchor and then proceeded to sit down for a little happy
hour! WHOA! The mosquitoes knew we had arrived and we
were their fresh flesh! Answer to that
problem was to move down below and close the door. OH, NO!
They had moved in and these guys were Texas mosquitoes…huge!!!! We swatted, we ducked, we covered up but
nothing helped. They were everywhere and
biting! End of story, we just finally
went to bed and tried to cover up as much exposed skin as we could!
Cocktails before the mosquitoes attacked!
Finally yesterday, Sunday, Dec. 9th,
we were headed for Galveston Bay. The
weather report took the wind out of our sails, since a cold front was coming with
high winds! We made the last 60+ miles
and pulled into the marina which gave us protection from these forecast
winds. They hit around midnight and all
night it howled and blew. So, here we
are and will try to get out tomorrow morning.
With good luck (I know, you have heard this before!), we will try a Gulf
crossing straight to Corpus tomorrow or most likely on Wednesday. Yes folks, we will make it! What an adventure
Miscellanious Photos from the GIWW
Fire in the swamp
Shrimp Boats
Another crazy sailboater on the GIWW
Crossing Galveston Bay - Lots of ships
Drive through lock